About the origin of word red

Red always pops-up as the third color in all languages: after black and white, which are always the first and come in a pair.

The word rubens in Latin means red and it gave the name of rubies, precios gemstones of red color.

In Russia the word krasna means beautiful and red at the same time.


Traditions and superstitions

Red is color of good luck and wealth in China. Numerous brides wear red in China (and India, Pakistan and Vietnam)  and money gifts are often given in red envelopes.

In several countries in Europe color red is used to ward off evil spirits and witches.  If you want to empower your spells, you need a red threat.

In some countries they believe it brings you bad luck if the first person seen in the new year has red hair. But in Poland seeing three red heads in a row supposedly brings you a winning at the lottery.

By the way, red hair has a very special place in all world cultures and there should be no surpise to find out how many nicknames for redheads are there.


Associations of color red

Red is associated with many things. It's the color of power and love, energy and danger, it stimulates your appetite and stops you at traffic lights. If you want to be noticed, drive a red car or wear a red dress.

Stylists suggest to wear a pinch of red on important meetings, because it symbolizes determination. But use it only as an emphasis, not the base.

Red is the most romantic color of all. It's the color of Valentine, but also the dominant Christmas color. Lighter shades, like different pinks or crimsons express more feminine, while stronger hues of red, like ruby or scarlet act much more masculine.

While red acts as stimulant to people, it is used for soothing chickens. They sleep better, are much more peaceful  and proper much better under red light.

Physical properties of color red

Red has the longest wavelength in visual spectrum (620-750nm), lowest frequency and energy of all visible colors. It's the first color distinguished from gray shades seen by newborns (in most cases around second week in their lives). Scientists believe it is due the length of rays of red light, what makes it easiest to process for still growing receptors.

Red color is by far the most frequent in all disorders associated with so-called color blindness. Thanks to the fact the gene, credited for seeing color red, is positioned on X-gene, women, who have two X-genes much easier compensate eventual errors of this gene and are in general much more able to distinguish between different red shades.

The most often used coloring in food industry is synthetic dye called Allura Red AC. There is huge safety concern connected with usage of synthetic dyes, so in numerous countries it is substituted with natural dye, made from insects called cochineal.
